facts about snake
Diversity: Snakes belong to the reptile class and are found on every continent except Antarctica. There are over 3,600 known species of snakes, ranging from tiny thread snakes that are only a few inches long to the reticulated python, which can reach lengths of over 30 feet. Limbless Bodies: Snakes have a unique body structure, lacking limbs. Instead of walking or running, they use a specialized form of movement called serpentine locomotion, where they push against surfaces using their scales and muscles to propel themselves forward. Flexible Jaws: Snakes have incredibly flexible jaws that allow them to consume prey much larger than their head. Their lower jaw is not fused, and each half can move independently. This allows them to stretch their mouth wide open to swallow prey whole. No Eyelids: Snakes don't have eyelids, but they do have a transparent scale called a spectacle or brille that covers their eyes. The spectacle helps protect the eyes while allowing them to see. Sheddi...